Frequently Asked Questions

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What type of debt can I manage with Budge?

Budge helps you manage almost every type of debt. This includes most credit cards, personal loans, student loans, mortgages, auto loans, and more. At this time, we do not support Buy Now Pay Later.

Can I make payments to my debt directly from Budge?

Yes! You can make automated or one-time payments from your checking account to your credit cards and loans directly from the Budge app.

How does the Debt Dashboard work?

The Debt Dashboard connects to your credit report and in many cases, directly to your bank, to pull balances and estimated interest rates from your cards and loans. This allows you to organize all of your debts in one place so that you can make good decisions about how to eliminate your debt.

What is the debt snowball?

The debt snowball is a popular debt paydown method where you prioritize paying down your debt from the lowest balance to the highest balance. Each time you pay off a debt, you use the money saved from the previous minimum payment towards the next debt. As you pay off each debt, the payments get larger and larger, like a snowball rolling down a hill. 

How does Budge keep my data safe?

We take your security seriously and do a lot to keep your information protected! Below are a couple of the ways we protect your financial information:

Soc-2 Certified: Service Organization Control Type 2, is a cybersecurity compliance framework developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). The primary purpose of SOC-2 is to ensure that third-party service providers store and process client data in a secure manner.

Bank-level Security: We provide 256-bit encryption meaning that there is an indescribable number of possible encryption combinations that a hacker would need to go through in order to crack our code.

Verify Bank Account

How can I verify micro deposits for my checking account?
What if my bank account doesn't have an instant link via Plaid?

Manage Account

How does Budge keep my account secure?
How much does Budge cost?
How can I cancel my Budge account?

Transfer Money

Does Budge hold onto funds that are pulled from my checking account for debt repayment and savings transfers?
How long does a payment or transfer take to process a payment from Budge?
How does Budge process my payments and transfers?
Does Budge make my minimum payments for my credit cards?

Create Debt Plan

Can I make payments to one specific debt account not in a debt plan?
Which debt paydown strategy should I choose?